Boomer Grandma Finds Her Focus in Part-Time Business
Do you remember what it felt like when you were first married?
Leaving your grandma or mom and dad's home, their rules and the safe haven of your room was a newfound freedom. Your wedding day was the highlight of your young life to this point in time. The party that followed was full of loving family members, friends and extended relatives, like Great Aunt Pearl. As you drive away headed for that secret honeymoon destination your future is in front of you.
I remember my wedding day like it was yesterday. Driving down the freeway to our honeymoon destination, Carmel, California other thoughts entered both of our minds. A long silence took hold of the newly married couple, my new husband and me. The thought that now we were on our own. No longer would either one of us return to the safety of our own rooms we had known for over eighteen years.
As in love as we were, we had to admit we were scared. Now the decisions would be up to us. If we wanted to work or not, take our supplements or not, stay up late or go to bed early…all up to us. Has any decision like that made you feel the same way?
It seems that every stage of our lives we must make decisions, overcome obstacles. We must focus in order to move forward. As a new wife and husband, both of us had to learn how to work together towards our new, common goals in life.
Newlywed becomes a mother
When a newlywed couple work in harmony with their common goals it is a beautiful thing. Much like running a part-time business, each must carry their own load. If both partners work, it only makes sense that both should help with household chores.
Once my husband and I learned how to work together to run our household we found the balance and focus we desired. Our friends could see how happy we were by our actions. They say actions speak louder than words and we were a glowing example to others.
Just about the time we thought we had life, marriage and our careers figured out we learned we were going to be parents. Yes, a new little person was going to enter our lives, ready or not. All the planning and focus we had seemed to fly out the window, or did it? This would be the beginning of our growing as a couple and individuals. Learning how to handle life’s little hiccups is part of being an adult, a mother and father.
When the baby arrived, we were so excited. That little bundle of joy was the most beautiful little girl we had ever laid our eyes on. Advice came from every which direction. Whose advice do you believe the doctor or your mother or grandma? This would prove to be yet another balancing act. Who wants to disappoint her mom or grandma? Not me, that was for sure.
Time passed as our family grew to include our daughter’s brother. The years flew by as both my husband and I worked at our jobs and raised our children. The babies grew into teenagers and sports entered their lives, well ours too. Our focus then became clear, the next few years would be about them, their goals and futures.
Empty nest syndrome hits mom hard
We had learned over the years to adjust to the ever-changing schedule of our hectic lives. Our daughter was very active in high school activities, sports and the arts. Our son followed his sister’s footsteps and easily slid into the sports program, too.
Working full time to support our family’s needs soon was not enough. This was the beginning of our introduction to a part-time business. One that would enable us to make the extra money we needed. Learning how to share our dream with others was simple at our kid’s ballgames. Sitting through volleyball, softball, and basketball and soccer games there was plenty of time to talk with other parents, talk about killing two birds with one stone!
Have you ever thought about what it will be like when your kids are grown and gone from your home? We never gave it a thought. Living in each moment of our kids busy lives we were too busy working to pay attention to the time that was flying by.
We soon attended our daughter’s high school graduation. Next, she was moving out of the area to attend college and work part-time. As hard as the adjustment to her moving was, it did not compare to when our son left home. Not to lessen the heartache we felt when she left, but we still had one child at home. We simply put our focus on his life instead of splitting it between the two of them.
When the day came that both of our kids were gone we found ourselves sitting on the couch quiet. Neither one of us uttered one word…for weeks. The harsh reality was we had lost who we were as a couple by giving all of our focus to them and their activities.
Would you like a free mom tip? While you are raising your children, make sure you keep a special time for you and your mate. Schedule a date night once a week or at least once a month. Get away just the two of you to keep your relationship going so this does not happen to you, too.
Join us next Monday as our story continues. Let's share the sorrows of the popular "empty-nest" syndrome and the joy of finding focus. This boomer grandma has found how to help others turn back the clock and find their focus, too.
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Helping Turn Back the Clock,
Carla J Gardiner
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Carla Gardiner is an auto transport broker, dispatcher, health coach and a fiery boomer grandma. Her passion and purpose lies with the people she works with daily; the client, dispatcher, broker and truck driver. Her frustration within the industry has birthed a new division of her company; one to properly train, encourage and mentor others in regaining their health while building a part time business, too.
Just a heads-up—this article has affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you decide to buy something. Pretty sure you don’t mind (because, hey, we all gotta eat), but legally, I gotta let you know! 😉
Carla Gardiner is a dedicated wife, mom, and proud grammy of 8 who has transformed her life through strategic email and digital marketing. After overcoming the challenges of network marketing, Carla found success in the digital realm and is now on a mission to empower others with the knowledge and tools needed to achieve financial freedom. She specializes in helping women transition from burnout to thriving by leveraging automated systems and proven marketing strategies.
Since 2010, Carla has shared her journey as The Fiery Grandma, offering inspiration and practical advice on digital marketing and online business growth. Join Carla and discover how you can regain control of your time, increase your income, and live life to the fullest with her step-by-step guidance and personalized support.
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"Very well put. I've been with a health and nutrition company for over 26 years and I understand exactly what you are going through. I shiver to think what my health might be today at age 68 had I not stuck to my guns as far as practicing what I preach. Yes, I fall off the wagon regularly but my daily routine life reflects taking care of my health. That way I can keep up (somewhat) with my 7 grandchildren. You keep it up, Carla".
Pat Moon
"For most people the thought of venturing out there in pursuit of your dreams, in a place outside of your comfort zones is just what stops them. But I could sense your excitement not resentment in going against the competition. In planting your stake and truly making a difference in the clients experience. That's ultimately what matters, the rest just falls so easily into place. Thanks for that reminder"!
ENO Nsima-Obot MD
Carla, I’ve got to say that I LOVE your focus on the joys and challenges facing women over 50. I’m definitely in that camp! I’ve been inspired by your candor, practical ideas, and refreshing determination to joyfully tackle life. The hours we’ve spent on the phone, in person, and through social media have enriched my life immeasurably. YOU are one Fiery Grandma, and I love your style!
Ronae Jull
I have known Carla Gardiner for 6+ years. We met at a business training for bring business online. She is a business women at heart and willing to do the hard things to make the results show up. I have watched her run a business, work a job and take care of her family. She is a go getter when it comes to putting in the work to build her business to the level of being able to enjoy her grand kids.
She is the example that age is not a limit it is a tool for sharing knowledge to those she empowers to use their own skills and talents. Excuses are fuel to push her to learn and apply. I have seen her scared to death about implementing new technology and rock it out despite the learning curve.
I love watching you grow into your greatness Carla! Don’t slow down.
Angela Brooks
"Carla, you are a model for me to follow. I love your site. And, I like what you have to say - very kind, very gracious. I have to say though that nothing in my life has ever been crystal clear".
Susan Daniels
"I've known Carla for 5+ years and can tell you that she has lived every bit of this and more. We shared tears and laughs and hard will enjoy getting to know Carla."