Sacrificing the Baby to the MLM Gods
Do I really have to make sacrifices to succeed?
Last week I learned a lesson in business that many may never learn. Some may decide that giving up something to get a top business opportunity is not worth the effort. Many have fallen by the wayside due to this very way of thinking over the past years. Many have asked the proverbial question "Do I really have to make a sacrifice to succeed"?
Getting started in a new business is always exciting, scary and unnerving. Have you ever really thought past the initial reason why you are getting started in yet another venture? If you are like me and most others out there you are thinking duh…it is to make more money, right? To that question I would have to say, "Really"?
Digging to discover my why
The truth be told this is not my advice…nope, I learned this from someone who knows how to make you dig deep, deep within YOU; it is here that you will find your WHY. However, unless you know how to get there you will not go there.
It's like driving from California to New York without a map. There are many routes you can take like the northern routes along I-90 or I-70. You may prefer the southern routes like I-10 or I-40. Yet others may prefer the middle of the road type of route and travel I-80.
Regardless of the route you take you know your origination and your destination, they do not vary. The difference lies in your preference of the lay of the land, the scenery you wish to see along your trip; all routes will end up in New York.
Discovering your why is equal to figuring out which route you want to travel…you can go the scenic route, taking your time and eventually get there or you can take the most direct route and speed up the time you have to enjoy the Big Apple.
My "why" is the fuel that stokes the fire under my butt
Have you ever wondered what makes us want to get up in the morning and go to work? Come on now, besides the obvious mortgage payment, car payments and grocery bill. I mean have you ever thought about that one?
That very thought came at me fast and hard when I turned 35 years old. Why am I here, what is my purpose, is this all there is in life? Those kind of gut wrenching questions have answers, but like pure gold or silver…we must dig deep to find the answers. They are they, but we must really think and dig deep within us.
I finally found my true why when I had the opportunity to work with PJ McClure, The Mindset Maven a few months back. He shared a book with me, called Flip the Switch. Working through this workbook I discovered the answers to many of my questions; including finding my why.
The fine art of sacrificing
So let's get back to the lesson I learned earlier this week. Since I have learned what my why is and why it is important to me working my top business opportunity has been simpler, more fun and amazingly enough more profitable. Doesn't that seem weird to you? It sure did to me until I figured out why.
When we wake each morning with a defined purpose in our life we have direction. The direction is our well thought out plan, or goals. Each phone call I made this week was still scary. Shoot aren't we all just a tad afraid someone might tell us no? Yet, when I look at a picture I have hanging in my office of my why (my four cute grand-babies) by the clock, the fire that burns within my gut pushes me to dial that next number.
The fruits of my labor came when a new business partner joined our team. The responsibility to help her get off on the right foot took time…it took me away from one of my favorite TV shows…The Mentalist.
The sacrifice was the TV show and the baby was my business. So you see, the answer to the first question of "Do I really have to make a sacrifice to succeed" is yes…yes, to a balanced degree you do.
Was it worth it to me? Yes, why? Because giving up a television program once in awhile to further my goals in my top business opportunity to be able to spend quality time with my grandbabies is why.
Now the question turns to you and your purpose. What will you sacrifice and for what? Share below…I can't wait to hear what the fire in your belly is from.
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