Building a Home Business – How to Survive the Crazy Emotional Roller Coaster
Feelings aren't right or wrong, they just are…
Has anyone ever told you that feelings have a place in building a home business, too? What if we just walked around like robots selling our family and friends our goods, would it really make a difference? What do those sales fulfill, your need, their need or does it just put money in someone's pocket?
These questions came up during a conversation a friend and I had a few days ago. It made me stop and really do some thinking about why I am building a home business so fervently. What is it that pushes me to share my passion with others when all common sense tells me to withdraw to my nice, soft recliner with a cup of hot tea and a good book? My answer would come to fruition later that same day.
That's what friends are for…
The other day my friend, Teri and I had a chance to visit for a few minutes. She had come down to the house to help me with Dexter, our dog. An expert in the field of animals I knew I could count on her advice and save myself a trip to the vet…maybe. Sure enough she took one look at him and said he had hives. We eventually found the solution and it immediately helped our poor suffering canine friend.
A few minutes later our conversation turned to our top business opportunity. It was so strange, we both were thinking the same thing…we knew we needed to get busy and build it. Yet, there was something inside each of us that was tying up our stomach in knots.
Whether we are girlfriends, baby-boomers, Gen-X'ers or teenagers we are all alike. We talk things through until we figure them out, period. This problem was no different. She had read a book that helped her find the solution to her unique problem. Likewise, I had read a post on Facebook that inspired me to press through my roadblock.
Sharing with each other we both ended up smiling, laughing and committing to each other our support, no matter what. Now I know why I wanted to work with my friend all these years. She is loyal and her unswerving support is given come heck or high water.
With one holiday out of our way and another right around the corner we are not allowing anything to deter us from our common goal. We discovered we are both weird and that's okay. We figured out that both of us love our friends, family and future friends we haven't met yet; that is our mission to carry the message and allow them to be weird in themselves, too.
We are not the message, we are simply the messenger and the recipients get the freedom to either receive it or reject it. See? There is not any rejection in that formula…they love us, they may not accept the message yet that's alright, too.
One friend explained it like this, “Heck we can't all love Fords…that's why there are manufacturers who have made Chevy's, Chrysler's and BMW's. There are sedans, coupes, pick up trucks and SUV's; everyone wants something different. It's called choices and we all in our own weirdness get to choose…that's what makes this world go round”.
Now our focus is on sharing our message. What is the goal we committed to? Two new friends per day will receive our message and two will hear from us for a decision about that message, that life saving little video we love to share.
By sharing that unique message with each and every person special to us we will fulfill all of the needs in the marketplace; as the messenger we fulfill our need to serve, as each person receives the message we will fulfill their need of a service or product or just being a friend. When we wake in the morning we know we have completed one more day's task of sharing our passion with someone new. This makes building our top business opportunity worth it on all levels including filling our pockets and bank accounts, too.
What have you learned about yourself recently? My friend and I found out we are weird. That is neither good nor bad, it just is. All I know is that when we go to bed at night and rise in the morning we will be able to look at ourselves in the mirror and know we did our best; know that we did all that we could do to help others every day.
Help us spread the word, click the “Like” button at the top of the page. These baby boomer trends and the top business opportunity needs to get out to our fellow friends. Do us a favor and share with one or two, will you? You are the best!
Sharing Secrets to Anti Aging,
Carla Gardiner is an auto transport broker, dispatcher, health coach and a forever young, fiery grandma. Her passion and purpose lies with the baby boomer trends and the people she works with daily; aging baby boomers who are broke dispatchers, brokers and truck drivers, too. Her frustration within the industry has birthed a new focus of her company; one to properly train, encourage and mentor others in regaining their health while building a top business opportunity, too.