Fiery Grandma Cleans House Before Leaving on Vacation
Why do we do this?
As far back as I can remember my mom and grandma always cleaned their homes before leaving on vacation. As a kid, I did not understand cleaning the house before leaving the house. What was the big deal if there were dishes in the sink when we got home? Mr. Spider was not going to care if his web was there or not, he would just move to the other corner.
Have you ever wondered why we do what we do sometimes, too? As I worked in my clean office, the project of Labor Day past, thoughts of what needed doing this week found their way into my brain. To be able to focus on the tasks I had to take time out and jot them down on paper. There, now my mind is clear and I can get back to work.
It seems that the week prior to leaving can always fill up with extra things to do if one is not careful. This is why putting deadlines on projects is important. While that is good and many projects, get finished, it creates an unnerving sense of chaos and stress. Maybe by taking time to write out these thoughts and questions I will figure out why we baby-boomers do this crazy thing, why this fiery grandma cleans her house before leaving on vacation.
More focus, less stress
After cleaning my office over the long weekend, I found it more welcoming to work in it on Tuesday morning. Basking in the freedom, I found from not having to step over stacked boxes, trip over piles of files I wondered if the feeling might be the same for the rest of the house.
Each day this week, we have taken care of one extra task working towards our ultimate goal of having the house clean before we leave. While working in the auto transport office the clothes were washed and dried then hubby folded and put them away. One thing I have learned is not to expect more than is reasonable, to keep the list doable. That meant that we should only focus on the major part of cleaning, not a full spring-cleaning.
Looking at my calendar, I was able to fit in two phone appointments with our new part-time business partners. Helping them share their business with family and friends took the atmosphere in our home to a new height of excitement. By scheduling time to work both of our businesses while living our lives, we are able to feel good come the end of the day. Not only that, but our bank account is growing finally after all of these years.
Reflecting back when my business coach, Sandi Krakowski told me I needed to choose one business and focus building it I knew she was right. After all, even a fiery grandma of four can only do ONE thing at a time. Our brains are not designed to multi-task…talk about short-circuiting our massive internal organ!
Real vacation and relaxation
Today I am leaving the office after booking cars for my dispatch clients, scheduling pick-ups for my auto transport customers, working with our business partner in our part-time business to get my hair done, treat myself to a pedicure, and just bask in allowing someone else to pamper me.
Tonight's cleaning will involve both bathrooms getting a quick scrubbing and counters wiped down. The dishes washed and put away, dinner planned. One of our treats while driving to our vacation destination is homemade jerky. It has been marinating for a couple of days, so tonight on the dehydrator it goes.
Finally, I figured out why most moms, grandmas and wives clean their homes before leaving on vacation. When we have left everything in order, our minds are uncluttered. We are able to focus on our planned vacation. We can rest assured knowing that upon our return home we will not be dreading a mess to come home to. We will be able to sit back and enjoy the fruits of our past labor and the memories we just made with our family.
Be watching for Monday's post, as we will share our little bit of heaven up on the Washington coast with our family with you. This boomer grandma is all set, fiery red hair, check! No pain, swelling or lack of energy, check! Plenty of extra money budgeted in from part-time business, check and check!
Until then relax, enjoy your weekend and plan some fun with your family…live life do not allow life to dictate how you live your life. Please leave your comment below and join the discussion.
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