Welcome and thank you for joining me today, answering my call for this emergency meeting. I know you're as excited as I am to hear the big announcements. (if you're not a reader, scroll to the bottom to watch the video)

Before I go into that, for those of you who are joining me and don't know who I am, my name is Carla Gardiner, The Fiery Grandma. I help women over 50 to get healthy, lose weight naturally, and get their sexy back without counting calories or going to the gym.

My health journey started many years ago. I won't bore you with the whole story, but I will tell you this one thing. I had forgotten to share a part of the journey that even I had overlooked. You see, most of the journey has been centered around eating real food, hydrating properly, and using my customized supplements. Taking my health assessment was important to make sure that my whole health regimen is balanced so that I don't just look at this area or that area.

But then something happened about a month ago. And I was like, oh my gosh, I need to share that because our mental health is just as important as our physical health. If you can't get it straight up here (our brain), you can't make this (our body) do it either. With that said, I locked arms with my friend, Heather.

Let me tell you about Heather. Heather is a business coach. She built a multi-million dollar skincare business, but when her husband died, she was left with three teenagers to raise. If you've experienced death in your family, you know the mental and physical struggle that you go through in the grieving process. Two years through her recovery, she found essential oils and they helped and continue to help her and her kids deal emotionally and physically with what life tosses at them.

She approached me knowing that I'm a businesswoman, too. I love helping other people. I'm an advocate for essential oils and all things natural. So it made sense to partner up with her, to lock arms and run and help women over 50 to not only get healthy physically but emotionally and using natural essential oils to do that.

I want to talk about Adaptive. This oil, my friends smells so good. It is a chill pill in a bottle and it's kind of woodsy and it just grounds you. I love that. And when hubby gets a little anxious, I just rub a little on the back of his neck, let him smell the bottle and I'll diffuse it. There's peace in the valley again, friends.

The next oil I actually use first thing in the morning. It has a lot of different uses, too. Peppermint. This is my go-to for a lot of things. I use it for sinus headaches under the cheekbones to reduce swelling and relieve pain. Love, love it, but it gets my boat going in the morning when I add peppermint to my coffee with my secret ingredient that you can get in the Remarkable Secrets for my hair, my nails, and to see fewer wrinkles.

I've been using these three oils in the past month because women our age oftentimes deal with some of the same issues. Three major areas are stress, lack of energy, and trouble sleeping. All three of those issues can affect our weight loss, energy level, and our ability to take care of ourselves, our family, our business, you get the point. So the very first one that Heather introduced me to was this one called Adaptive.

I also use peppermint because it is a mood lifter. It just gets you going. It'll give you energy. It tastes good. And for the baby, when she gets a tummy ache, I put some of this on my hands with some fractionated coconut oil and place it on her tummy. Within seconds, her tummy ache has gone. I love it. My grandkids know … they go get the essential oils and they don't ask for medicine. They just know.

Now, I have a story to tell you about my friend, Betty, Betty is Rich's (my hubby) age. She's a little bit older than me. She has always struggled with sleep issues. She uses some sleep strips and it helps, but she still has yet to get that deep REM sleep or the deep sleep cycle. When she wakes up she still feels drained, tired, and lacks energy.

Betty started using Serenity. Oh my word, you should hear what she told me. She took a shower, using the Serenity spa bar. Afterward, she put Serenity oil on the back of her neck, her wrist, and on the bottom of her feet while diffusing it in the bedroom. She called me before I was out of bed and said,

“What are you doing? I've already walked three miles”.

It's six o'clock in the morning! Are you crazy?

She got deep sleep and is now back on top of her game. I have a gift for you, pick up my Remarkable Secrets. I'll put the link underneath this video, check out those five tips to help women over 50, get more energy, better sleep, and less stress. I'm also announcing effective today the addition of doTERRA essential oils into my wellness kit to help you get the most out of your health so you, too can lose weight naturally and be the best that you can.

Now, friends, I'm looking for three types of women today as well. I'm looking for healers, coaches, and teachers. If you're in a space of starting over or adding to like I'm doing to serve your customers at a higher level, then I'm inviting you to join me. Let's help women all over the world to take their health, mental, physical, and spiritual to a whole higher level using what was put on this earth, essential oils and natural customized supplements.

If you have any questions, email me at [email protected]. Let's chat over a virtual coffee and discover where you want to be using customized supplements, and doTerra essential oils. Helping you become the best version of you that you can be.

Click here >>> to Get Your Copy of My Remarkable Secrets For Women Over 50 To Miraculously Look and Feel Energetic