Breaking news, “lack of coffee responsible for brain timing out, lapsing into a fog”.
Sound familiar? Have YOU ever had one of those days? You know, the kind of day where you feel like you are floating above, looking down, outside of your body or something? Today was that kind of a day in the office, just weird.
Our son dropped off Lucas bright and early, right on schedule, 6:55 AM. Lucas was sound asleep, really asleep like a log. Nothing seemed to bother him, not Poppy (Lucas’ name for grandpa) calling his name, nor Sophie licking his face made any difference. This kid was out like a light and nothing made him stir. I have to admit, I wished I could have gone back to bed and slept as he did, just a little while longer. Have you ever felt like that? What do you do when you are feeling tired?
Instead of returning to the cozy warmth of my bed, I settled for a blanket and hot cup of coffee and watched the morning news. Geez, what a way to start the day everything was negative, nasty and depressing. But, it wasn’t long and it was time to wake the grandson, feed and clothe him then it was off to preschool.
Tuesday and Thursday mornings are like a split shift for us with Lucas. He arrives early for mom and dad to make work on time. Then we take and pick him up from preschool. It’s not difficult, but it does interrupt my focus and workflow. Have you ever noticed that once your concentration is broken, you might as well figure you have to start over? Not literally, but figuratively start over. Sometimes I wonder how working women juggle all the responsibilities of the home, the children, and their jobs, don’t you?
After running errands and eating lunch, Lucas and Poppy went outside to play in the dirt I returned to the office attempting to pick up where I left off. First, the computer shut down all by itself, then rebooted…what? I never touched it. Quickly I ran a scan, the Malwarebytes program and found nothing, not one adware nor virus…very strange. I felt myself slipping, mindlessly unable to focus. I wondered if maybe I had a virus, too. Instead, I realized what was wrong with my brain and my whole body…I had forgotten my special coffee.
I know, you must think I’m nuts, special coffee? Yes!! This coffee not only tastes awesome with no bitterness, but it is infused and ground only when I order it. See why I miss it?
With that said, I got up went into the kitchen and made myself a nice, hot cup of coffee. Yum, now I can once again focus and get my work done. What do you do or use to help get you through the day?
Well, that’s it for today. If any of this rings true for you, please share a comment below. I’m always open to learning what works and how to overcome the fear of doing something new for me just like the other “50 and over women”. Oops, there is the phone again, another customer calling to place an order. Have a great week my sassy friends and remember to confront those life changes head-on. Don’t allow your retirement lifestyle to slip through your fingers. Plan now for the changes headed your way so your dream lifestyle doesn’t become your worst nightmare.
Carla Gardiner is a mom of 2, the fiery grandma of 7 and has been married to her husband for 38 years. She is focused, and driven; a business owner who made a big move in her late 50’s which rocked her world. Transitioning from her native hometown to her new home 3 states away took guts, work, and dedication to get the job done. Now, she is focused on helping other women handle life’s changes after 50 while making the transition to their retirement lifestyle; one they’ve been dreaming of instead of the nightmare it could become.
p.s. before I forget I need to ask a question of you. Who do you know would benefit from reading these stories, getting to know me and the other women over 50 in our circle? Do me a favor and share this link with them, share your thoughts on today's story and ask them to share with their friends, too. So many of us are approaching retirement and don't know what lies ahead. I've faced many of life's changes already and by sharing maybe, just maybe someone can avoid the mistakes I've made and correct the direction they are headed before the change takes it's course.
Hey this is a nice read…Pardon me for asking a bit off-the-topic question…Can you tell me is decaf coffee ok to drink for someone who drinks 3-4 cups per day of normal coffee?
Many Thanks
Great question, Angela. I’m not sure as it would depend on the individual. The coffee I drink doesn’t make me jittery at all which is only one of the benefits of sipping it for me.