How I Stopped Losing Hair and Grew It BackDo you find excessive hair in the drain after showering?

Friends, life happens to us all. We are stressed out to the max with work, health, family, and issues beyond our control. Our bodies pay the price in ways we don't even think about, like hair loss.

The picture on the left is of me just 3 years ago. Many things were going on that took my attention and created the loss of hair that I experienced. Now, to give this picture some perspective my hairdresser has always had to cut and THIN my hair, I have very THICK hair, lots and lots of hair.

Enter life; business, family issues, conditions that I couldn't control. Add on top of that making poor food choices and finding myself at wit's end. Thankfully, I had access to a dear friend who shared a product with me. In my desperation, I agreed to TRY it for 3 months…I was a huge skeptic. However, what I discovered through my hairdresser was 2 months in my hair was regrowing, the amount of hair in the drain was getting less with each shampoo.

The picture on the right is me, 3 years later using just one scoop. If you look at this comparison and see yourself REACH OUT, message me and let's get your hair, nails, and skin healthy again. It's your choice and you can control this … see you in my Inbox, reply to this email for more information.