A Blogger, Networker And Retired Nurse – A Short Story
Being a blogger twice a week religiously for over 3 years and seeing zero results … as in no real income – I QUIT! Those were not the words any business coach would want to hear. Matter of fact, I didn't enjoy saying them either. But, the hard, cold facts of being a blogger, a networker and sure failure were staring me right in my empty pocketbook.
So, why did I accept a blogging challenge from Angela Brooks, the coach who is leading me through setting up my social media marketing? It can best be explained by sharing my story and it all started when Angela and I met.
Humbler beginnings couldn't have been. I was scared stiff entering into the online world of becoming a blogger. Behind closed doors I asked my daughter what a blog was. It was so foreign to me to write to unseen faces, writing to connect with those who have the same values as me, think the way I do and want the same things, especially when I was good at being a face to face networker. Angela and I met on the phone when we both signed up to learn how to use a blog and website to market the network marketing products we were passionate about.
I won't share Angela's part of the story, (I'm sworn to secrecy) but I've got it tucked away nice and neat inside my journal (we both promised to keep it for gauging how far we'd find ourselves to have come later on). In order to pay for the coaching I knew I needed, I had to take out a loan on our house. Scared and then some I paid the coach fully thinking that this was the magic bullet; to become a blogger would put my failing finances out of their misery. Boy, I couldn't have been more wrong.
Fast forward 3+ years…now, Angela and I have watched each other learn, grow, and transition from one business to the next. We both are great networkers. Using the skills we learned our businesses have continued to grow even more. We both gained so much but Angela kept blogging long after I threw in the towel. Today, her business has retired her from the full time nursing job she loved to hate. Me?
Well, my journey took a few more twists and turns. Being a tenacious networker I finally found the business that deserves to receive the time and effort of those blogging skills I learned so long ago.
So, why did I accept the It's Your Turn Challenge? Because it's time I get back into the swing of being a regular blogger, networking to provide value that I possess to those who are looking for what I have to offer. It's time to take advantage of my competitive nature and show the world I CAN and WILL blog and network to thrive in 2015 while helping others to do the same.
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