3 Tips to Eliminate Your Lack of Energy and Tune Up Your Body
It's a brand new year and it's time to start fresh. You've probably made some resolutions like losing weight, exercising or both. If you're anything like I used to be you have good intentions on making those promises to yourself come true this year, right? But, your lack of energy just doesn't give you the oomph you need to get started.
Do you find that the further your week gets from that wondrous first day of the year the dimmer those goals become? Well, don't beat yourself up because we have all done it. I remember a few years back when I wanted to get started losing weight. But, I felt like the Energizer Bunny whose batteries had been drained dry. I just didn't have the energy to even care about anything let alone starting a diet. Starting diets can be an up and down process as you don't know how your body is going to react to the new regime, I looked at the keto diet but saw that you can get keto cramps from doing it and… I don't know if I can deal with that on top of being a busy person, this is why reading extensively about different diets is very important for your health.
Do you find yourself wondering “why do I get so tired” all the time, too?
Being tired all the time is not a normal part of menopause, aging or modern life, no matter what we've been told.
I know this may sound almost unbelievable, especially if you are one who wakes up already feeling exhausted, relies on coffee and sugar for energy, or who desperately thinks “it shouldn't be this hard.” BUT…it really doesn't have to be this way.
Over time your lack of energy can become a thing in your past just like mine has. You'll find yourself popping out of bed, well rested and ready to face your day. Imagine how you'll feel when you want to get started on those promises to yourself and your family! Can you see yourself finishing the day with energy left over to enjoy the evening again?
Here are three tips to help you increase your energy.
Tip #1 – The first thing we must do is figure out why we have a lack of energy in the first place. If you're suffering from constant fatigue, it's a signal that your body's normal systems are being disrupted. There's no reason to try to push through or ignore it. If you've tried getting more sleep, reducing stress and other basic lifestyle changes – and are still relentlessly tired – your fatigue deserves to be taken seriously. You might want to look into some energy boosting supplements, such as Gundry MD Vital Reds. Supplements are full of vitamins and antioxidants so it might be that you're body is lacking a certain vitamin and you need to bring it back into your lifestyle somehow. Supplements may be the answer.
Fatigue will snowball, slowly worsening, until you feel like a hamster stuck on an exercise wheel – exhausted but not getting anywhere. Unfortunately, most working women often ignore their increasing fatigue until it leads to other symptoms. During that time, the effects of fatigue may also become nearly constant, including:
- feeling exhausted (mentally and physically)
- being tired even after sleep
- inability to bounce back from illness
- headaches
- joint pain
- depression
- poor short-term memory, confusion, irritability
- food cravings (particularly for sweets/carbs)
- getting a “second wind” after 6:00 PM
The key is not to dismiss your mild symptoms of fatigue when you first notice them. Instead, the first step is figuring out the cause of your fatigue.
Tip #2 – Secondly as working women we need to give ourselves permission to take care of ourselves. This was a biggie for me it was a turning point in my life. Think of it this way…if we don't take care of ourselves and we were to get sicker or even worse, die…then who would care for our husbands, children or grandchildren? Hmmm, bet you never thought of it that way have you?
When we take care of ourselves our bodies will reward us with an increase in energy levels, better health and a longer, happier life. Part of that process is taking the time and resources necessary to help our bodies correct themselves. Whether it's hormonal, adrenal or stress related we can reverse the underlying cause of lack of energy pretty simply and inexpensively.
Tip #3 – Last but not least for many of the underlying causes of lack of energy simply adding a good quality vitamin supplement will help. I grew up on One a Day multi-vitamins, do you remember those little red pills? However, I since learned that I might as well have flushed my money down the toilet. Those sweet tasting, coated vitamins did my body no good, they never, ever dissolved.
So, girls…do yourself and your body a favor, do not skimp on your supplements. I found a great natural supplement that made a huge difference in my body's health and it will boost your energy, too. If you want to boost your energy click here now.
Hopefully you'll be able to take these three tips and determine what is causing your lack of energy. Take it slow; be gentle on your body, mind and soul. Rome wasn't built in a day and your long-lasting energy won't return in just one either.
However, just imagine what you will be able to do with all that energy once it does return for good this time.
Carla Gardiner is known as “THE Fiery Grandma” because she found new energy, endurance and youth. Her passion and purpose lies with baby boomer trends, the people she works with daily; aging men, women, moms, dads, grandmas and grandpas who want to feel better, have more energy and have fun like they did when they were twenty-something. Join her for more energy, fun and profits.
Very important to take care of ourselves on a daily basis. It’s only natural to “hit some walls” occasionally.
Thanks for stopping by Edmund. Have a great weekend and be sure to get your rest and eat healthy foods.
Thanks Carla! Finding the root of lack of energy is key. I’m with Suzanne. I usually have all the energy I need unless I’m facing an unpleasant task or one that I’m worried about in some way. Step 2 would go a long way toward helping!
It’s amazing that many working women can do a lot for themselves and their health simply and for free…by getting a good, solid nights sleep and drinking plenty of water. Everything above and beyond those two tips will greatly enhance their health and lives greatly.
These are great tips Carla! It is so important for us as women to take care of ourselves, and yet we’re always the one person we put at the end of the list.
That is so true, Helena. I learned the hard way, from the couch after surgery. After that time of my life, when I almost lost it, I matter and started learning how to regain my lost energy, endurance and finally youth.
Usually when I’m feeling the lack of energy I’m lacking in something. My body tells me what it is craving due to the lack so I try to listen for what’s missing. Being in tune with our bodies and feeding it good, healthy whole foods makes a huge difference in overall wellness. There is no quick fix and most processed vitamins are a waste of money. Thanks for sharing.
I agree Michael and finding the right vitamin supplement took me years. Eating right is key to living well, but with the very earth we grow our foods in deplete of necessary nutrients it makes it very difficult to eat right and get the necessary vitamins we need for life.
Thanks Carla. I need to take a multivitamin. I also need to spend some time just taking care of myself in general. Thanks for this important reminder!
That’s great that you recognize what your body needs, Lori. Now to direct you to a quality vitamin supplement that will feed your body and not drain your wallet.
Most often when I have extreme fatigue it is because I am doing something I dread. The thoughts of it exhaust me mentally and physically. Great post Carla!
I understand what you mean Suzanne. I’ve found that since tuning up my body I’m able to cope better, have less anxiety and more energy due to sleeping deeper and waking more rested. However, thinking about doing tasks that I don’t want to do tend to tire my mind more than my body.
Excellent tips! When I broke my ankle back in November I was forced to sit and take care of me. It was at a time in my life that my family also need me, a lesson for sure and I am still learning to take care of me!
Good to hear that you took the necessary time for your healing Anita. My condolences on the passing of your dad at the same time, hugs my friend.
I love your tip on finding the root cause of energy lost. Only then we can find the solution to the problem itself. Who doesn’t want to live a happier and longer life? Of course everyone does! Time to boost up the energy level and start acting.
Thanks Lorii. Isn’t it true with most anything that when we find the root cause we can fix the problem? Thank you for stopping by and sharing.
You give the BEST advice Carla! I know because I followed your advice and have never felt better or had more energy!!
Thanks Denny and I have to say it has been a blessing to watch as you’ve regained your lost energy, your mobility and flexibility and your LIFE! That is an added perk to building this business.
Really liked this post and your tips for getting rid of lack of energy and tuning up your body. The best part was your suggestion to give yourself permission to take care of you. Thanks. This was great.
You are most welcome, Dawn. It only took me 55+ years to take my own advice.
I make that list yuck! I sure need to work on my health! Thanks for the great tips!
Don’t beat yourself up, Liz. Now that you know, make small steps to adjust and you’ll get your energy level up and your health back.
Carla…great article! QUALITY is key…healht is not the place to skimp!Taking care of ourselves is of the greatest value!:-)
Thank you Carl. Yes you are right indeed…quality is better than quantity and our body will thank us forever, too.
Hi Carla! Thanks for this timely post. I’m 34 years old but have had hypothyroidism since last year. I know it’s the cause of why I easily get tired. It’s good to know actually. Like you said, we need to get to the root cause of why we get so tired easily. This way we know specifically how to overcome it. Though it’s not that easy, because I easily get exhausted, I still try to exercise everyday, even just for 30 minutes because it helps lessen the fatigue I feel for a whole day, which is a natural effect of hypothyroidism.
Hi Jovell thank you for stopping by. I’m grateful that the information helped you. My, so young to have health issues…I started struggling with my energy, hormones and headaches at 35 so I totally understand how you feel. If you’d like more information on changing your body’s pattern I’d be happy to send it to you. Just send me an email at [email protected].