How Backsliding Inspired Me To Let Go of Ego

Note to self: backsliding feeds our ego. 

Everyone is human, everyone makes mistakes sometimes including backsliding. No one is exempt from the rules. What do I mean by that? As you know, for the last 12 months I’ve been on my own personal weight loss journey to reclaim my health. No fancy schmancy fad diets, no pills or shakes, just healthy foods. Changing my lifestyle and taking it one day at a time I’m so happy with my results thus far.

Today I was reminded that I am not exempt to the rules… I thought I could go back to old habits, old eating patterns occasionally and still maintain my healthy weight. I learned that is so far from the truth, it’s not possible. By the way, that is called backsliding (no sugar-coating truth here friends)

I’m sharing this with you in hopes it will help you avoid the pit, the downfall, the backsliding that we all experience at least once in our lifetime. You see, I was drinking a gallon of water per day, limiting my coffee intake. I admit I love coffee, I’m a coffee snob…but, I learned coffee dehydrates you, messes with hormones which mess with everything else, including our sleep cycle, our hunger and eating cycle, water is good for so many things.

I found I picked back up my old habit of snacking when watching TV in the evening with hubby. What was I thinking? Yes, it’s ¼ of a cup; but, that’s NOT the issue. The issue is when we chew anything including gum it activates the digestive system which releases enzymes and hormones.


The good news is this…I caught myself. I am back on track and part of a 90-day challenge where I will get the remaining 30 pounds off of this body. The other thing is this…join me, you don’t have to do the challenge, but challenge yourself. Get that unwanted fat off of your body; I don’t care if its 100 pounds or 3 pounds; fat is fat. I’m not calling you fat, I’m just saying it’s not healthy.

So, until next time…thanks for watching, listening and reading. If you know someone who needs this information or is looking for a real community to support them in their health journey share this with them. Sharing is caring and there’s no better feeling than helping a friend.