Will You Achieve Your Goal with This Two Step Process

Will You Achieve Your Goal With This Two-Step Process?


Many of you know that I've picked up reading once again. It's pretty amazing how the enjoyment of reading returns quickly when the eyes can see. My new trifocals finally arrived making it possible for me to see to drive my car, work on the computer, watch TV AND read!!!

The book I'm currently reading is chocked full of ideas and thoughts that are very different from everything I've ever been taught. James Clear is the author of the book titled Atomic Habits; An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones.

Have you read it?

In the past, I've set goals, and NEVER have I achieved one, not one! I've always felt like a failure and yet, for some odd reason never gave up hope.

In the first chapter, I learned the reason for this failure and it's not my fault, it's the teaching and basis for setting goals that are flawed. The author lays out a simple 2-step process to success and YOU deserve to know how to do this, too. Wouldn't you agree?

Here are those steps and if you'd like to learn more be on the watch, I'm going to take you with me on this book's journey to break those bad habits and build good ones.


Step One: Decide who YOU want to be

I'll share my example of who I want to become – I want to be a healthy, senior grandma who has the energy to play all day long with my grandkids. I want to get on the floor without fearing pain and be able to get back up on my own. The habit of making food choices to support becoming that grandma will either help me be that grandma or I'll fall back on old choices that got me where I am today.

Step Two: Your habits create who YOU become

The author brings to light that our daily habits create us. When we focus on who we want to become INSTEAD of a goal (like losing 50 pounds) then we are more apt to shift and adjust our daily habits that will create the new YOU and ME.


What I love about this way of thinking is that it starts to build the belief in ourselves and that is 90% of the battle in any journey whether it is regaining health or losing weight.

I hope this was insightful for you. It sure was for me. I'm working on seeing the real me in the mirror, NOT me of yesteryear.

What will you focus on? Who do you want to be or the goal that continues to elude you?