If I Knew Then What I Know Now About Working At Home
Momma told me there would be days like these. You are about to learn the real shocking truth about working at home, through my eyes. Looking back on the first few months of working at home brought tears to my eyes. These are not tears of sadness, oh no, not at all. They are tears of joy. It is with heartfelt gratitude that I release their memory. I’m so thankful for those lessons that have been learned. Now it’s time to share those lessons with you. Maybe you will be able to cut years off of your learning curve and find success sooner than later!
No one told or prepared me for the real shocking truth about working at home for myself with family surrounding me daily. After all, isn't our home our sanctuary? Isn't it that safe place where we get to kick off our shoes, unhook that constricting bra, slide out of those support hose and just relax? At home behind the safety of those closed doors we can let it all hang out, right?
There just may be some real value for you in sharing the top 50 things I wish someone would have told me before going into business for myself. Had I known these things I would have done things a little differently. My expectations wouldn’t have been so high and mighty. Oh yes, I was very “black and white” there was no room for gray area in my home office.
Over the next few days I'll be sharing those 50 things, the real shocking truth about working at home I wish I knew. Some of you will avoid the tears, stress and emotional trauma I endured and worked through in that first year of working at home.
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