To Choose Or Not – My Health or Vaccinations
Today a dear friend shared an article with me about an upcoming documentary about health and vaccinations. Now, I don’t know about you but I have a very strong opinion about vaccinations and the current state of many people’s health including my own and my family’s health.
Because I R.E.S.P.E.C.T. you, I won’t share it as I know for a fact you have an opinion as well. Each of us is entitled to choose whether or not to do our own research, validate it and use our best-educated judgment when choosing or not to vaccinate.
Therefore, I’m going to share an opportunity for you to do just that…to watch alongside of me this 9-episode documentary, delivered right to your personal email where you can watch in the privacy of your own home, no lookie Lou’s allowed.
So, no judgment, just opportunity. If you’d like to learn, educate yourself and reason on why to vaccinate or not…join me by clicking here to enroll for the upcoming, FREE documentary series beginning April 22, 2020.
It is my hope and desires to always provide you with the tools you need to make wise choices for you and your family’s health and well-being.