The year 2020 is coming to a close and what better way to end on a GOOD note …
to share with you entertainment close to my heart.

My grandson Dureyin started fiddling when he was 5 1/2 years old. He stands in the back row, far left. Our second and third grandsons Thaedrin and Aebyric picked up their fiddles at age 4.Thaedrin stands beside his brother Dureyin in the back row, far left (he is in one) and Aebyris is in the front row far left. This year turned out to be a whole lot different for not only the fiddlers but also for the audience.

I'm grateful for social media and technology (who would have thought I'd admit to that)
so that all families and friends could enjoy the labor of the boys' hard work. Enjoy!