Day 7 of 100 – What The Fiery Grandma Learned From Her Teenage Self
It’s late, a quarter of 10 and I have had a full day. Today our grandsons came over to learn how to mow the lawn with Poppy. Every week, they take turns learning the right way to mow a lawn. It’s funny, we think we are teaching them, but are we? I don’t know. As we watch the kids growing up, stories keep popping back into my mind, lessons my grandma and grandpa taught me when I was their age. Has that ever happened to you?
My name is Carla Gardiner. I’m known as The Fiery Grandma because I lead women to have more fun, learning how to update their outdated wardrobe using affordable costume jewelry.
Whether you’re 50 and over and want a reason to get out of that rocking chair; or you’re under 50 and need someone to take you under their wing, I’m your girl. That’s right! I’m your girl!
Today’s video is day 7 of 100. And as you can see in the title “What The Fiery Grandma Learned From Her Teenage Self” there is bound to be a lesson in this story.
Well, like I said the grandsons came over today and Poppy is teaching them how to mow the lawn (his way) and that all came about because I offered their sister a job working in the office with me. I knew the boys would tell their mom “it’s not fair, she gets to earn money and we don’t”. When you offer something to one they all want the same thing, right? Yes! Even though I only have one granddaughter (this was before Maisie Rey was born, lol) and I truly believed that only she would be interested in my jewelry business, so I hired her. My thoughts were to teach her about doing Facebook lives, to build up her self-confidence, to teach her basic office skills (uh-oh she forgot to sign her time card, bummer!) and time management skills.
Long story short, the boys were all up in arms about their sister getting a job earning money. They have been taught to know and value a dollar. Their mama is making them spend their own money. She is not just handing over her hard-earned money like many parents do, and the kids don’t appreciate what it takes to get and have money to use.
Tonight while Maebh was here for T-Shirt Tuesday with Maebh and Me, the boys came too, to mow the lawn. After the boys go home with mom, Maebh stays with us, eats dinner and then helps me. Maebh (pronounced Maeve) is my office assistant for my live jewelry sales.
This particular evening we were working in the office preparing for our VIP customers and she started giving me a little attitude, you know she’s 13. It took me back to my banking days, supervising a department of ten women with various personalities. Before saying anything, I have to stop and think before speaking. I had to keep repeating –
“Okay right now, she is not your granddaughter. She is your employee. You are her supervisor it is your job to teach her. Don’t go getting upset. Don’t let her push your buttons”.
BUT, tonight she was pushing my buttons. She was doing things that we had talked about before we got started that I asked her not to do, I even I explained why.
- How it is perceived from where the customer sits?
- How she would feel if that was said to her.
- How she would feel if she were in front of the camera, if she were on the other side of the camera.
Then she told me she understood; but, I’m not convinced she did. As the video got started, she started doing these same things. I would turn around and give her that look. I don’t know if you have a particular look you give when it’s kind of a warning to your kids or grandkids but I have that look, they call it “The Grandma Eye”. I think I hurt her feelings because her whole bubbly persona stopped. She went into this kind of a little funk.
We made through the show! If you wondered where the show disappeared to, remember we are not going live on my profile page anymore. Now we’re over on the VIP page so you can hop on over there now and watch the replay. We know its going to take a while to train everybody where to find us and at what time.
After Maebh goes home, hubby and I were making coffee talking about the 13-yr-old teenage attitude. I’m sure none of you know what that is like (yeah right, lol) or if you are a grandma and your kids aren’t quite there yet (get ready cause here it comes). I had forgotten, too. I was reminded in full force today.
It made me think back to when I was 13, and I do remember one particular instance. We used to work in the vineyard with my grandma and grandpa. One summer, it was hot so rather than jeans and tennis shoes, I wear flip flops and shorts, why not? It was hot, we were in the field. My clothes were baggy. It was just me and grandpa out working.
This car drove by full of the teenage boys that lived down the street from my grandma and grandpa. I don’t remember if they said something or whistled or whatever but it made me blush. I was this young innocent country girl and didn’t know these guys at all but grandpa did. And grandpa got mad so he started lecturing me. Grandpa lectured me on how a young girl should dress. The do’s and the don’ts.
This whole memory brought back more of the same about lessons I learned as a teen. It totally took me back to watching TV with grandpa. Do you remember Jane Russel and the product she used to advertise on TV? My grandpa had a cow, a kitten, (literally a fit) you know the “Cross Your Heart” Playtex bra? Can you imagine what our grandparents today would think of the Victoria Secret advertisements?
So those were the memories that started popping back to me as I was thinking about Maebh’s teenage attitude. Those memories reminded me that I had one, too. Grandpa said “Don’t come to work in shorts and flip flops. You need to wear long pants. You need to cover up your body” Well, that’s probably why I dress conservatively today because grandpa is in the back of my head saying “Cover up that body. Leave something to the imagination”!
Our conversation about her attitude reminded me, I had an attitude at 13, too! So, the lesson this grandma learned today was the lesson I learned from my teenage self. My granddaughter probably isn’t going to appreciate my guidance and suggestions while she is 13 either. But, give her 5 or 10 years and she will get it. She will understand.
For now though, The Fiery Grandma just has to be patient. I have to remember when I was 13, how I received instruction, too. Oh how I treasure it today because she’ll treasure it in years to come, too.
So, there you have it, the lesson that The Fiery Grandma learned from my teenage self through my teenage granddaughter’s eyes on tonight’s Facebook live! Thank you so much for joining me on this journey to 100 live videos. I appreciate you so much. If you found any value or entertainment on this post and video, go ahead share it. I’m sure there’s mom, dad or teenager watching that might get something out of my insights from my teenage granddaughter back to my teenage self.
Now it’s your turn, go look good, feel good and do good. But most important, go have fun and grab your best life.
Great lessons, Carla. We all went through those stages. Hopefully your grand- daughter and others we influence will remember the positive lessons.
I know she will. As I learned writing this article…those lessons stay with us for years and are a positive influence in our lives.