Stop Passing The Buck, 20 Things You Do and Don't Want To Do


Stop Passing The Buck, 20 Things You Do And Don't Want To Do


When You Work At Home There Is No One To Pass The Buck To


We've all heard the term “stop passing the buck” at one time or another in our lifetime. To define the phrase is to “Evade responsibility by passing it on to someone else“. When you work at home there is no one else to blame; so, the proverbial buck stops with YOU.


You've already learned the first 8 secret tips to successfully work at home. Now it's time to share how those 20 things you do and don't want to do will help you to stop passing the buck! It’s not as easy as it looks…


  • No calling in sick – you’re Chief Cook & Bottle-washer now
  • No more finger pointing it’s all on you
  • You realize you call all the shots – the lump in your throat does go away eventually after you take full responsibility for all decisions, successes and failures
  • You are the secretary – take notes on all phone calls
  • There is no IT Department – you must back up the computer regularly or risk losing your data forever. I think Darth Vader is using his mental telepathy pulling it to the black hole
  • When marketers call do not buy everything they are selling. Think like a multi-millionaire thinks – do I need it, will I use it, will it make my business money
  • Under promise, over deliver
  • Speak in the third party you are a growing business (even if it’s in your own mind)
  • The computer is not for game playing, it’s now a valuable business asset, treat it as such
  • Invest in quality tools to get the job done. Cheap buys you problems & costs you money
  • Do your homework before making any business decision. Ask questions, ask for references and take a 24 hour think it over period first
  • Think long term sustainability for business not short term income
  • Track all numbers
  • Be willing to admit your mistakes learn from them
  • Do not put all of your eggs in one basket
  • Develop back up plan in case be a forward thinker
  • Be willing to put it ALL on the line, 100%
  • Follow up, follow thru on everything you say you will do
  • Market yourself no one else will
  • You will make mistakes. This doesn't mean you've failed. Instead it means you are now a work at home, entrepreneur earning while you learn. 

Finally, remember this one thing…YOU are creating a future for not only yourself, but the family that counts on you, encourages you and stands beside you through thick and thin. There is no more passing the buck because the buck stops with YOU!

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