I'm Retired Now What Do I Do?
A lifetime of planning ahead
Our moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas had told us to get a good job. Those jobs would provide benefits good as gold. They told us to remember to stay long enough so we would have a solid retirement, safe and secure. Grandpa always told us that while we worked our way up the corporate ladder to be sure to take advantage of that 401K or IRA, maximize our contributions as often as we could.
The days of safe and secure jobs are as much a part of history for baby-boomers as the puppet show Punch and Judy are. If you are like my husband and me you
This is what I call active aging and I am on my way to trek this path as I grow older. I love my work and I can't imagine stopping altogether for the sake of retiring? no way. I hope if I live to be 80 I can still be active to continue doing what I consider my lifetime job.
Thank you Amy. Hopefully I can save you some mistakes, what do you think?
I have written similar posts because this is soooo true. What I don't understand is so many still have the grandparents mindset and are passing it on to our kids. STILL. People with University degrees attempt to pay off their huge debt by working at McDonalds because they just can't get a job.
I think what bothers me the most is doing all the right things, say, investing your money responsibly, then losing it due to market crash!
The right answer is work for yourself! Thanks Carla, great post!
Great post. Retirement options and views have certainly changed now and we have to have another plan in place.
Thanks Kerry. You are so right. The world is ever changing and if we decide to think otherwise one day we will find ourselves in a world of trouble.
Thanks, for sharing your great knowledge and wisdom. I will definitely be sharing it on my social networks 🙂
Thank you Susan. I hope it helps just one person think about their options…that they have them.
Love this perspective–so REAL and yet SO hopeful. Really helpful and hopeful perspective on staying conscious of what's going on in today's world without giving into it or 'just' living by 'the rules' expecting it all to work out in the end. From my vantage point, I've decided to cover a lot of bases instead of just investing all my eggs in one basket. And I, for one, don't expect to 'retire' in the proverbial sense. My grandparents never did and my mom hasn't either. Living with purpose and without fear leads us (I believe) to a well rounded and truly secure life….and most likely a prosperous one!
We sure see a lot of things eye to eye, Elise. I don’t plan on retiring in the sense of sitting in a rocking chair dead or dead broke and slipping into death. No, I’m going all out, living a fiery life full of adventure, love and fun…with work in the mix it brings home the fulfillment of helping others.
I hope I can continue to do what I love, but I do need to start making some plans. Thank you.
With determination and a plan you will Cheryl. Hope you found some helpful tips here.
Yes, you captured it perfectly. When all of us would be trained to do what we love to do in life; the challenges in America would be totally different. Many people are trained to be dependent on others or on the government which doesn't bring us much. Great article Carla
Thank you Elizabeth. Many people, boomers included are facing the worst time in economic history. Yet, with research, elbow grease and determination there are options out there to not only replace their income, but take them to their dreams, too.
Great point here. Most people want to retire because they hate their job, boss, co-workers, or even the type of job that they do. Funny thing is, if they truly loved what they did and it served a profound purpose, they would have meaning and a reason to continue working and working and working…with the intent to achieve something masterful beyond belief! That is the essence of life. That is the essence of work! Love it Carla. Captured it perfectly!
Thank you Edmund can’t add anything to that wonderful comment.
The rules of retirement have certainly changed and we baby boomers need to take a different approach…Thanks for sharing this incredible opportunity with us…with this we can take control of our lives and futures!
Denny, truer words have never been spoken. If we, the baby-boomers don’t take action NOW it will be too late. I’m not a whistle blower, but I’m a realist. The facts are the facts and folks had better wake up, protect their health and their financial futures by building a business that will provide not only for them but their families for generations to come.
Sometimes it's really tragic. A couple moved nearby to retire in the country. Just as they did, his company defaulted and they lost his retirement and health benefits. She had to go to work full time as a nurse in order to pay for his diabetic (Type I) needs. A couple of years later, he contracted cancer. She is a widow now.
It's great to know we don't have to just succumb to this. Making changes accordingly is so important!
So true Christiane. Today so many are faced with unemployment and benefits that are running out. With a deep desire to not settle they can build a solid business that will provide for not only themselves but their families for generations to come.