Promote an offline auto transport business using social media, why you need to…
That is what I asked my business coach the first class I attended last year, why social media?
Social media was a completely new world for me. I had been building my auto transport business for over four years the traditional way. I did not see why I needed to start using this method to promote an offline business.
Heck, I had to call my daughter to ask her what a blog was. With no idea how to build one, use it nor maintain it I was digging my heels in. We had a web designer build our
Business 101 was not something I knew much about, so everything I was learning was new to me. New words, definitions and methods of doing things was overwhelming at times. It was intimidating to learn something that seemed to be so big.
It was like waking up one morning from a deep sleep and finding me in the middle of New York City. Being a country girl and still living next door to where I grew up that is a frightening thought. My hometown population is about 28,000. That does not come close to the New York City population of some 8.2 million people!
No kidding, that is how afraid of the internet, social media and the big world of business I was. However, what I was learning from a trusted friend and coach was convincing me that I should not be afraid. If I wanted my business to succeed I had better learn how to promote my business and myself using social media or else.
How do I tie social media and auto transport business together?
Once I started learning how to use social media the picture became clearer. This would become my free source of advertising and lead generation for auto transport quotes. Now the question became but how do I do that. Of course, I wanted to learn it all like yesterday. My intent in starting any of the classes was to increase my income. What I was to learn was that as with any type of education it takes time.
It was going to take time, effort and practice to develop this skill. What I did not think it through, even when you go to college there is a learning curve and time period to learn. Jumping into business without training the time between starting and earning was shorter than normal. I had never gone to college, but I earned while I learned on the job. Why I thought this would be different is beyond me.
My first lesson was that someone like me, a successful business owner could join social media and the twenty first centuryfree. Building my personal and business profile was going to tie our auto transport business into the network of social media. Next would come getting to know people and asking them to join me.
It did not take long and developing relationships with other business owners seemed fun. However, I wondered if this was really going to work.
Although it has been a year, the time has flown by. Now we are regularly posting articles about our business in
You can see right here on this website. Using the tools available on Sandi's website that are free I started my education in using Word Press. Step by step, I was able to build what you are seeing right now before your eyes! Impressive, eh? It is exciting to see how far you can go given the right tools, teacher and time.
By investing into my skills and me, our
Therefore, I hope that you can see how beneficial it is for you to use social media to build your business, too. Do not wait as I did until it almost passes you by. If my dad can learn the internet and social media at 70+, I know you can too!
You can start learning at your own pace today. If you know anyone that is building a
Partner with us, won't you? We cannot do this alone. Share this article on Face Book and Twitter; help us get the word out to your friends. These are just two ways to use social media to promote your offline auto transport business to bigger profits today.
Here to Serve,
Carla J Gardiner