Nationwide Auto Transport And The New Puppy, (part one)
Nationwide auto transport quotes…
Training begins…
Welcome back!
Sitting here writing the continuing story about our dog, I am watching as he contentedly snores in the doorway. Have you ever felt a love so deep that your heart aches? This love is the kind we have developed over the past six years. He is so loyal and loving. How could I have even thought of not keeping him?
While building our nationwide auto transport business from the comfort of our home office there were a few problems we had trying to take proper care of our puppy. Having had dogs all of my life I figured they would work out. Guess I had never had a boxer before. It seems boxers and their personalities are unique. They have a mind of their own. We were soon to realize thatDexter has a bull-headed personality. He also tends to be on the independent side. It created some stressful moments in the office. Now it was time for the training to begin.
It was now three months later. Time to begin house breaking him. No longer would newspapers in the bathroom work. His bladder held more than the newspaper could absorb. Holy smokes, could that dog drink and pee! This was also the beginning of a two-year long training period. I had no idea what it was going to entail to train this dog.
We found that by taking Dex to one area of the field it worked best. It also got the fastest results. To take him outside every half hour or so was not convenient or feasible. When there was a break in the calls coming in for auto transport quotes, I would scoop him up and hurry outdoors. We would run, jump and chase the ball. Trying to get him to potty quickly was not an easy chore. Dexter wanted to explore, chase the butterflies and sniff. The resource we found for “getting the job done” was a special spot in the field.
Finding and using resources worked the same for me in the nationwide auto transport business. By using the training I received for my vitamin company, I was able to build relationships. Those trainings would help me build a solid auto transport business years later. I worked to find reliable sources to help me within the industry. The auto transport quotes we could provide our client was faster and more solid because of these sources.
However, those resources were our carrier’s dispatchers, drivers and owners. They would become the cement that held our business together and the quality service we gave to our clients. We found that customers appreciated our connections. They would always return to use our services repeatedly. The relationships we have with our dependable auto shippers helped set our company apart.
Being different from other auto transport brokers in the marketplace is a good thing. It is fitting then that our dog, Dexter is different too. He has a built in time clock, it is remarkable how animals just know when it is time to play!
We soon realized that taking breaks to play and go outdoors was as good for us as it was for him. As I look back, I am very thankful to have him. It would have been very easy to work myself into the ground without him.
If we have you on the edge of your seat, come back next time for some more. More of the continuing story of Dexter, our office dog. See how we handle customer requests for auto transport quotes while OUR training continues.
Here to Serve,
Carla J Gardiner
Carla J Gardiner is an ex-banker turned entrepreneur who built an auto transport brokerage and dispatch center from the ground up. With half a days training and little else Carla learned the business inside and out the hard way…by doing it. Her passion and purpose lies with the people she works with daily; the client, dispatcher, broker and truck driver. Her frustration within the industry has birthed a new division of her company; one to properly train, encourage and mentor other professionals in auto transport.
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