Fiery Grandma Unplugged to Ignite Desire for Business
Have you ever found yourself stuck in a rut, not caring about much of anything or anyone?
Just a few short days ago I found myself in that situation.
Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do. It is such a rush to help people, like you to break free of the bondage of that dead end job. When you call or email me to share how the products have helped your aching body the endorphins turn on like a rushing waterfall. The emotional rush is unlike anything else in the whole wide world.
Yet, the fiery grandma found herself drawing away both physically and mentally. What on earth was wrong with me?
All work and no play is deadly for fiery grandma
Remember back a few articles ago when Chat with Women interviewed me, the Fiery Grandma on their radio show? The ‘aha’ moment for me was when my little granddaughter, Maebh asked that fateful question “Grammy, why do you have to work all the time”.
That was turning point number one. Her comment also made me realize why I was working so hard at building my business – for time freedom. When I realized that I wanted to be able to spend quality time with my grand-kids when I want to, for as long as I want to – forever, it changed the way I worked my business. I know now to find a balance every single day to enjoy each moment.
Fiery grandma got it half right
The last trip to Idaho I was able to do just that. Carving out the time to eat breakfast with the kids allowed us to talk, laugh and play together when they were fresh and at their best.
Helping clean up the kitchen gave me time with my daughter and husband. Gosh, who knew working together could be so fun? It also freed up my daughter to enjoy our visit more, too.
Everyone was satisfied having spent some time together so I felt good about going up to the office to answer emails, return customer calls and make sure all business was taken care of.
Afternoons were spent in the pool, splashing, laughing and sunbathing with the kids. Next came the bike riding and looking at all the farm animals together talking about each one and what the kids liked and didn’t like about them.
Part of working for “you” is the freedom to be mobile. By simply forwarding the office phones to my cell phone I could be lounging and still take a customer call. Most customers appreciated that I took the call even though I was on a semi-vacation.
Still, my mind was on work. Would I give my customers the service they deserved while still giving my family the time they deserved? How would you handle that situation? Leave a comment below. I love hearing how other business owners balance their time out of the office.
Next trip, fiery grandma unplugged 100%
The long weekend of Labor Day rolled around after our trip to our daughters. Our son invited us to go with his family to the Oregon coast, one of my favorite vacation spots.
Little did I know the HUGE lesson I was about to learn. Pay attention to this part of the story, it will save you years of frustration, upset family members and you will like you way more, too.
Since most small businesses close for holidays I made an executive decision to NOT forward my phones, NOT get on social media or even take my computer along. If you are anything like I am you know how hard that decision was.
I must admit, three days of no phone calls, no emails popping up begging to be answered and no worries about anything at all were sheer heaven. I relaxed and enjoyed the beach, the attractions we visited and the company we stayed with; the fiery grandma had returned.
I can’t remember the last time I relaxed like that. Well, yes I can…it was 9 years ago when I worked at the bank and took a week’s vacation. That my friend is WAY too long to go without being unplugged from cell phones, computers and work.
Don’t kid yourself like I did. Even though I had pared down my work hours when with family on vacation, my mind wasn’t 100% present. I didn’t really relax and unwind. There are real risks working like that, its called being a workaholic. It is unhealthy for your body, mind and relationships.
Redefining success after 50 is a process
None of us is perfect. We all learn all the time, even the fiery grandma. The trick is to keep working at it until we find that balance that we are happy with. For me and my family I’ve promised to unplug more often, on purpose.
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to follow my lead. Unplug your cell phone, turn it OFF. Stay off of Facebook and Twitter (that includes Pinterest, too).
Friends love each other but our families deserve our undivided time, too.
If this article has helped you in any way, please share it with others who need to unplug. Everyone needs unplugged to ignite their desire for business like the fiery grandma did.
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Balance is most certainly needed in this electronic age.
I so agree with you Carla, we need to find a balance every single day to enjoy each moment, it needs a lot of self-discipline, but it’s so worth it. Lots of wisdom to apply for me here, great article!
I can totally relate to this. I tend to work so hard building, following up, and everything else that I don’t always get the me time. So I have learned to have a day off.
It is okay not to answer every phone call, that is why they invented voice mail!
Thank you for this awesome reminder Carla!
I can so relate, Carla. Typically when I go visit family, my business suffers. Family comes first but I often feel guilty that I am not plugging away with business stuff. Family expects my undivided attention after all I’m Mom and Grandma when I visit our children & grandchildren. Also I don’t get to see them that often, usually only once or if I’m lucky twice a year. But giving the 100% is difficult because every free moment, I’m on the computer trying to play catch up on work. Next time I must back off, relax and enjoy… great advice.
Great post Carla. The person who helps me unplug is my grandson. I am besotted by him and I just adore giving him all my attention. I visit with him is exhausting and refreshing all at the same time. Focusing on something other than business really helps rejuvenate you when you come back to it, plus you have enriched your life in a myriad of ways.
I love our un-plugged time together and treasure every second. Thanks for the reminder – Gaynor
Isn’t that the truth Gaynor. My 7 grandkids help me forget and relax too. Enjoy that time, after all we can’t get it back and they grow so fast.
We are all vessels and everything we do depletes what’s inside. There comes a point when there is nothing left. Good for you Carla to realize that it’s essential to unplug from everything else so you can refresh and replenish yourself. It’s essential for physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and yes, even financial well-being!! Congratulations!!
Thank you Meli. Yep, it did get to the point of either unplugging or going off the deep end. Now the creative productivity is back.
Very good article Carla!I had to do by force last year when I went to see about putting my mom in a home in another country!I had no cell phone or computer. Hard at first, but then it felt very freeing!
I’m sorry to hear about your mom Ernestine. But, it’s good to hear that you kept your priorities in order and took care of family first.
i unplugged, sort of, in July.. i was always itching to get back, but being out of the country for a few days, it would have been a big bill..
I know the feeling Robert…that itch to get back into working. But, glad you unplugged for a bit, it’s healthy.
Carla, your article really hit home for me. I should also unplug once in a while. Had I done that, perhaps I wouldn’t have had another mini stroke over the weekend! I don’t always take my own advice! Thanks so much for sharing. Have a great time! ((hugs))
When our bodies shut down Alexandra it’s a definite wake up call for sure. I’m glad to hear you are recovering and back on top of your game.
sometime we need a break from things just so we can unwind and release the stress and by doing just that we release our inner self.
That is so true, Crystal. Enjoying our family helps us remember why we are building a business to begin with.
I saw a phrase today that really struck home: someone took “a digital sabbatical”! Isn’t that perfect, Carla? I think taking a break from all things digital, for however short a time, gives us a chance to remember how connected we all used to be. And those of us who still remember that can certainly figure out how to balance the benefits of technology with the joys of being unplugged!
I’m working on an e-book for Christian wives about this very subject Carla. Your reflection on the matter gives me more encouragement that I am on the right track with my message. Keep that fiery spirit!
That is very exciting Kim. Let me know when you’ve got it finished, would love to read!