Customer Service, What is it to You?
Customer service…what is it?
I am not sure if I can explain what customer service means to most folks, but I can certainly tell you what it does not mean, to me!
On a certain shopping trip my husband and I frequented a large retailer in our local area. This store pretty much is the only shopping choice we have, that is if we want to shop economically and have a little variety, too.
I realize in this new economy that wages are not the best, probably the shifts people are expected to work are not ideal…but, at least they have a job! As someone who is spending their paycheck in these employees' place of employment, it would make sense to think that this is generating their paycheck, right?
Why is it then, that some of these folks could care less that you are there, care less if you find what you are looking for and care even less if they get the freight and their dollies out of your way, so you can continue your shopping which is providing their paycheck?
Now…I can tell you one thing…this is NOT customer service at its finest.
Would you agree? Nothing frustrates me more than to run across an apathetic employee who has zero skills in the area of serving the very ones who are spending money in their place of employment and thus fueling the economy to secure their job. They even have the nerve to ask “me” to move so they can get on with their work. Is not that backwards?
It all starts with training in our youth…
You know, I used to get really upset with my grandfather who taught me how to work, how to treat others in the workplace and how to go above and beyond to make sure the customer always came first.
But now, as an adult I have come to appreciate the lessons grandpa taught me and wish that more grandparents and parents alike would have taken the time to teach their children how to treat others, with common courtesy.
So, if you are a business owner and your employees do not have customer service skills, a wise investment into your business might be to provide training for all employees to develop the type of excellent customer service we expect in today's marketplace but is sorely missing.
This will mean more customers willing to spend more time in your place of business, which equals more sales and profits for you, the business owner.
I am hoping my next visit to this store… will result in a more positive shopping experience, just like visiting your home office health cabinet. I hope that you never have to experience such a nightmare as we did on that particular shopping occasion.
I'd love to hear of your “customer service” experiences, care to share?
It is so true, and it seems to be happening in so many places now, I don’t know if it’s the wages, attitudes or what, but the customer service in many places is going down hill!!
People don’t care as much as they used to, and if you can provide that in your business, you will be so far ahead now!
Thanks for the read
Thanks for stopping by Jodi! It is so sad that people just don’t take pride in “their” performance anymore. Regardless of why they feel the way they do, the fact is that is reflects on them personally as well as the company that they may be working for.
As an employer, it is their duty to monitor and take corrective action for a deed, done or not, that will affect their bottom line. But, I guess in the long run that is what will make or break a company…set you above the rest or not…and will command the release of consumer dollars into their hands…or not.
I don’t know what the solution is either…but, for me and my business…customer service is number one and always will be. I value each customer and treat them as I want to be treated when I am the customer.
Again, Jodi, thanks for stopping by and sharing.
Here to serve…
I use to work on the freight crew at Joann’s for years. The expectations from the company were unhuman. But i would always make sure that my carts or boxes were never in the way of the customer and if they were in my aisle after i greeted them and asked if they needed any help, i would also let them know if my stuff is in the way let me know i can move it. when i go to stores and see the rudeness oh it fries me! i try to let the manager know politely of my disgust. What shocks me is it isn’t just the youth that has this audacity of rudeness but older people too! Like the generation that raised my generation! I just can’t believe how as a society we are loosing the simplicities of just plain curtasy and decency and why?
Hi Jill,
Thank you so much for sharing the story from the other side. It is refreshing for me to hear that at least one employee took the initiative to provide the best possible customer service she could muster. Although I wasn’t there to receive your service, thank you on behalf of the customers that were.
Customer Service…
Carla, I blogged about the same thing a while back. Its a shame that even in small towns where customer service is usually far above par that we still see things like this. Thanks for the post! I have a feeling that the store in particular has a parody website called ?
And those of us who know you know that if you were the boss there, we wouldn’t be reading stories like this. And btw, I have chosen to shop at raleys exclusively because their customer service is second to none.
Hey Justin,
Nice to hear from you, lost track there for awhile. How are you and family doing?
Not sure if customer service is such an issue in your neck of the woods, but here locally it is getting scarcer and scarcer! As I was writing this I found myself getting all worked up, again.
The look on the employees faces, there were numerous occurrences in the same visit, was one of “what is your problem lady”. I’ll never forget it. And yet, we are forced to shop there unless we choose to drive 40 minutes either direction to shop out of town.
I seriously doubt that I could be the “boss”, I wouldn’t tolerate it and would probably find myself “fired” for expecting above average employee performance. I expect that is why I choose to be self-employed and am fervently building my direct marketing business🙂
Thanks for stopping by, Justin. Come back often and share with us, we love it.