It’s Time For A Change, You Reap What You Sow
This past week a few things have happened that have made me stop, dead in my tracks. I sat reflecting on what would happen if I said this or that to another person. If I reply to their request one way the outcome will play out in a negative way. If I change the wording and tone of my reply it could possibly turn out positive. It’s time for a change in how and what I choose to do and say.
I remember once a long time ago my grandma telling me, “You reap what you sow”. She usually reminded me of that saying when I would call her crying; telling her how something didn’t go right or someone did something that hurt my feelings. She always asked if I had treated them the way I would have wanted to be treated. Sometimes the answer was yes and sometimes I had to admit it was no.
There is always time to think about how I could have said something to change the course or actions of another. One lesson I have learned over the years since those talks with grandma is this – I can’t change the actions or words spoken by someone else, that is on them. What I can change is how I react to those actions or words.
The lesson today is this – “It’s time for a change”. We are each responsible for the words we speak, the actions we take. We cannot change someone else. We can, however; change how we react to their harsh words or actions. Don’t allow another person to bring you down to their level. Rise up and be the person you truly are, deep inside. Forgive the other person, you don’t know what happened that day to cause them to say or do what they did. Then, move on. Go! It’s time for a change, make it your best day ever.