What a treat you are in store for today. My friend and fellow coffee lover, Forrest Graves is our guest and the author of this week's healthy good news. I hope you enjoy his expert knowledge as much as I do. Bon Apetite! If you are a true coffee lover before reading these medical benefits, read articles into Why You Should Buy a Bonavita Coffee Maker For Your Kitchen for some of the best cups of coffee you'll make yourself!
A Case For Coffee: Seven Medical Reasons To Have Another Cup
Finally! Researchers have pursued the undertaking of studying the warm, aromatic, energy-boosting drink in your cup, otherwise known as coffee. For years we have heard that coffee “is bad for you” but in recent studies the opposite has been proven.
Studies show that while coffee lovers are treating their taste buds to a delightful drink they may also be consuming many health benefits. Below are seven medical reasons to have another cup!
- Lower Risk of Depression in Women
- Lower Risk of Parkinson's Disease
- Lower Risk of Alzheimer's
- Lower Risk of Prostate Cancer
- Lower Risk of Skin Cancer
- Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabeties
- Promote Longer Life Span
Depression in Women
According to a Harvard study, Women who drink a few cups of joe (coffee with caffeine) have a lower risk of depression than women who don't drink any coffee. The Archives of Internal Medicine research was cited showing women who drink two to three cups of coffee a day lower their risk of depression by 10%. Women who drink four or more cups of coffee a day lowered their risk by 20%. This is attributed to the fact that one of caffeine's known impacts on the brain is to modulate the release of mood transmitters.
Harvard School of Public Health's professor of epidemiology, Dr. Albert Ascherio is the studies co-author. Dr. Ascherio stated, “I'm not saying we're on the path to discovering a new way to prevent depression,” he said. “But I think you can be reassured that if you are drinking coffee, it is coming out as a positive thing.”
Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Disease
Several studies published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease suggests that drinking a few cups of coffee a day contributes to lowering the risk of Parkinson's Disease by around 25 %.
26 studies, involving 125,000 British people were conducted. In these studies it was determined that two or three cups of coffee seemed to have a positive effect on the study participants and “an inverse association between caffeine intake and the risk of Parkinson's Disease” Caffeine Exposure and the Risk of Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Observational Studies.” (n.d.): n. pag. Web.
Other studies also suggests that granulocyte colony stimulating factor (GCSF) levels may be boosted in those who drink coffee. It is believed that something within the coffee working along with caffeine is the cause of this growth factor being increased. The increase in GCSF seems to be able to lower the risk and fight off Alzheimer's disease according to research in mice. GCSF is known to cause stem cells to move to the brain and remove the plaque associated with Alzheimer's Disease as well as forming brain cell connections and neurons. However, it is undecided as to what the other element to this combination actually is although it is known to be in coffee! To drink the equivalent amount of coffee used in this study one should drink four to five cups daily.
Prostate Cancer
Six cups of coffee a day has been shown to decrease the risk of prostate cancer by 60% according to a Harvard study. A 20% decrease has been noted in other types of cancer as well! The same study shows drinking at least a cup a day could cut the risk of prostate cancer by as much as 30%.
Skin Cancer
New research presented at the American Association for Cancer Research conference shows that coffee lowered the risk, for women, of basal cell carcinoma by 20% for those drinking three or more cups of coffee a day. The same study shows the risk lowered in men by 9%. The research was conducted by Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School.
Research suggest that drinking coffee is associated with a lower Type 2 diabetes risk. The more coffee consumed, the lower the risk! In 18 studies which included over 450,000 people it was found that for every extra cup of coffee consumed per day, the risk of Type 2 diabetes decreased by 7 %.
Living Longer
In research conducted by the National Cancer Institute, it was discovered that adults 50 and older who drink coffee were less likely to die from heart disease, stroke, diabetes, infections, injuries and respiratory disease. As with other studies, it is suggested that the more coffee drank, the lower the risk of death. People in the study who drank three or more cups a day had a 10 % lower risk of death than those who do not drink coffee. Caffeine did not seem to be a factor in these studies as the same result was seen regardless as to if the coffee was caffeinated or decaffeinated.
The knowledge of the benefits of coffee is growing vastly. Great strides have been made in the area of research and it makes all of us coffee lovers grin from ear to ear as we safely sip our coffee knowing we are also contributing to our health! Though this research indicates the more the better, common sense tell us that moderation is always key! There are known adverse effects of excessive consumption of the delicious drink called coffee, such as cardiovascular problems, for some people. Caffeine can become addictive and can also cause problems with certain medical conditions. Although the experts agree that the good in drinking coffee outweighs the bad for most people always check with your doctor to be on the safe side if your own medications or have any medical concerns. Otherwise, ENJOY YOUR CUP (or two, three, four or more!
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Forrest Graves is a coffee expert, business coach and business consultant. After many years as an Ambassador within a major corporation, focusing on business culture, Forrest found himself jobless due to “downsizing”. Refusing to be a statistic and relying on his vast business knowledge, Forrest, once again, became a thriving business owner! Coffee being the second most traded commodity in the world was a perfect option for an avid coffee lover. Forrest is the founder of JumpinGoat Coffee Roasters (as seen on TV) of Cleveland, Georgia and is now offering coffee licensing opportunities world wide!
Carla, this is a totally amazing post & makes me feel a whole lot better. I love my coffee’s of the world. Forth cup already this morning & seem to be on track to finish with 6. Thanks so much for sharing this information with us.
That is awesome, Gary. Now you’ll enjoy the rich flavor of your coffee even more knowing it’s healthy, won’t you? Enjoy and bon apetite my friend.
Too bad I don’t like the taste of coffee. My mother gave me cod liver oil in coffee when I was a child.. I didn’t like it then and never have since. But… I do enjoy my hot tea, especially green tea.. it just may have even more great benefits. Thanks for sharing this info.. my hubby will love you.
Ick, I wouldn’t like the taste of coffee in Cod Liver Oil either, Pat. Wow, moms sure tried to be creative to get that stuff down their young ones, didn’t they?
I love both coffee and tea. So happy they’re good for us, yum!
It is good news, isn’t it Delia. Love hearing you’re a fan of coffee and tea, too.
Yes!!! There are so many articles about why we should not drink coffee or caffeine. Thank you for putting an article out there to tell the benefits of coffee!
You are welcome, Dani. You’re so right, many negative articles when the reality is moderation is the key to being able to enjoy coffee…yay! Thanks for stopping by and sharing our joy of coffee.
Who knew? Coffee sure can do a lot…I don’t drink it…perhaps I should start? Naa….tea is good for us too…!! Thanks!
Thanks Cindy. I know many folks don’t care for the taste of coffee. I like both though. Enjoy coffee in the morning and a cup of tea to relax in the evening.
Thanks for sharing Forrest’s information! Sadly I had to give up coffee many years age when I learned I was allergic to caffiene! Somehow decaf just isn’t the same! LOL
You are welcome, Denny. I learned a lot about coffee, caffeine and the health benefits associated with it. Sorry to hear you had to give up coffee, it’s oh so good.
Very informative Carla, however I like what you say ‘ common sense tell us that moderation is always key!’
Thank you Norma. Don’t you wish more people would use common sense in every area of life?
Great article – too bad I just can’t bring myself to drink coffee though, haha, have never liked it. I’m VERY BAD using 5hour energy though, I need to stop that, haha ๐
Oh boy, Robin we are gonna have to talk about those 5 Hour drinks…no, no sweetie. Many people don’t like the flavor or smell of coffee, that’s okay. Water is better anyway…this is my one vice though ๐
I will have a cup right now! Thanks!
I’d love to join you for a cup, Yvonne. Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks for the great list of ailments helped by coffee consumption!
You are most welcome, Meryl. Thanks for stopping by, hope you can use this info to enjoy your cup of joe even more.
As a coffee lover it is wonderful to know about all these benefits, thanks for the post Carla and Forrest!
There were a few benefits I didn’t know myself, Meire. Glad you enjoyed Forrest’s post on coffee.
Well, well, well, i looooove this!!!!! thank you for this article Carla…I love coffee so by knowing this now, I will even enjoy it more!
Very liberating isn’t it Carele? Enjoy that deep, dark brew…hot right out of the pot in the morning. I’ll enjoy my coffee and pretend we are enjoying a cup together, ok? lol
You know I’d love this post! ๐ I love my coffee especially with the special ingredient that has helped me lower my BP and lose weight! Coffee is also relaxing…especially with a friend. Thanks for sharing this! ๐
Yes indeed my coffee-mate! (no pun intended ๐ ) I sure wish we were closer, we’d have a good cup of coffee and a gutful of laughter daily, my friend.
I love coffee, good coffee that is, and now I know why I need to continue to partake… LOL. that aside this was really interesting and good to know. ๐
Thank you Susan. Glad to meet another coffee lover. I agree though it needs to be fresh and tasty, no stale or cheap coffee for me.
I’m going to show this to my doctor the next time he tells me to quit drinking coffee!
Excellent, Helena. Coffee enjoyed in moderation is healthy. Most doctors though have little training in nutrition. So, coffee as with nutritional supplements are off most doctors radar and scope of understanding. Go on Helena, enjoy a cup or two of coffee, it’s good for what ails ya’!
And it smells and tastes so good too! What’s not to like?
It sure does, Laura. Although I have to be honest…sometimes when I drive by the local coffee house it smells like skunk..have you ever noticed that? Wonder what the two, coffee and skunk have in common? lol