3 Tips to Stay Healthy Even on Super Bowl Sunday
Gameday, Super Bowl Sunday is on its way. I’m still wondering what all the fuss is about. These grown men wearing spandex tights, throwing a pigskin ball to each other are getting paid millions while their screaming fans are barely making ends meet.
Many of these fans are not healthy; matter of fact they are overweight, suffer from diabetes, chronic pain, and other debilitating conditions like fibromyalgia, lupus, and more. Yet, for some unknown reason, they choose to sit on the couch stuffing their faces with fat-laden, processed foods that only add to their waistline, increase their cholesterol and give them indigestion moments later. I just don’t get it and yet I used to be just like that myself.
Gameday preparation at home begins
The day of the game is a day like any other here at home. Hubby anxiously awaits the Bengals and hopes they whoop it on the Rams. He is so funny to watch as he prepares for the few hours he’ll sit and watch these athletes play. First, it’s the ice water with a little lemon, next it’s his munchies like cheese and crackers, peanut butter on celery, or mixed nuts all lined up ready to grab and eat so he doesn’t miss one play.
While he is gearing up for the big game I will be working a bit before heading off to feed myself spiritually, my preference over television any day of the year. I noticed a bit of information a dear friend of mine posted on Facebook. It got me thinking about what other people eat and how they stay healthy during this monumental game day. The research led me to some shocking facts that I thought I’d share with all of you and it’s not what you may be thinking.
Masses do not eat healthy foods on Super Bowl Sunday
According to the Super Bowl ad statistics of 2013 the top three foods to be consumed on that day were pizza, chicken wings, and guacamole dip with chips. Now, if you are like me and can barely wrap your head around eating all that food imagine how many avocados it takes to feed a nation of ravenous football fans. It is estimated that people bought 79 million pounds of avocados for guacamole for the Super Bowl (enough to fill a football field 30 feet high). Although avocados in moderation are healthy for us, combined with the other foods on the list it can overload our digestive systems.
Next up were the chicken wings, people ate an estimated 1.25 billion chicken wings on Super Bowl Sunday. Although I’m not a fan of wings it seems many chowed them down by the bucketful only to end up with intense acid indigestion later. I’ve always chosen the less fatty parts of the chicken like the wishbone or breast without skin. It is still tasty and a very good lean protein source.
What do you get when you combine over-eating, rich fatty foods, alcohol, and excitement or stress? Yes, that’s right “heartburn” or “indigestion”. Sales of antacids increased 20% after that game was over! I know they enjoy watching and rooting for their respective teams but is it really worth putting their bodies through this kind of torture?
The last bit of info really did surprise me, a lot. More people call in sick the Monday after the Super Bowl than any other day of the year! I suppose it only makes sense because our stomachs are not made out of steel and given too much food, too much excitement, and not enough exercise, water or rest it will become sluggish, reacting to the mistreatment like a scolded child.
3 tips to eat healthy even on Super Bowl Sunday
Let’s look at some tips, three to be exact that can help prevent that indigestion and heartburn when enjoying a Super Bowl, World Series, or any party for that matter.
- Avoid fried foods, fatty foods, alcohol, and diet soda. Instead choose fruits, vegetables, water, or tea without sugar your stomach and waistline will thank you. Try eating a small plate (like a salad plate) meal balanced with proteins, veggies and berries. This will keep your metabolism revved up and burn the fuel you are putting into it.
- Avoid the competitive stress that can lead to high blood pressure, anxiety, and more by getting up off the couch or chair during the commercials. Walk outside, down the hall, or have games lined up to get you up and moving. If you are in the company of others challenging your team loyalty, remember it’s a game…breath deep and have fun. Your heart, blood pressure, and lymphatic system will thank you and you’ll end the day with as much energy as you started with.
- Have fun; enjoy the family and friends that have chosen to join you for the day.
If you choose to eat some of the “forbidden” foods don’t beat yourself up. Remember just eat in moderation. Drink plenty of water throughout the game this will not only flush out toxins in your system, but it will also aid your digestion and ward off those hunger pangs that are nagging at you.
When you use these three tips to stay healthy even on Super Bowl Sunday you won’t be one of the statistics calling in sick on Monday morning.
If these tips have helped you in any way, leave a comment below.
Great tips on health Carla. This is also a reminder that for every occasion we go, we need to be health conscious. My stomach will surely thanks you for this 🙂
Sure thing Lorii. We can go out and enjoy a meal with friends…but, moderation is key to our long-lasting energy, health without disease, chronic pain or … stomach problems 🙂
South Africans do not understand the Super Bowl and all the fuss. They don’t understand how Americans celebrate anything really. It is all extravagance in their eyes. They have a braai-BBQ- stay home, sleep in and watch movies or go to the beach….lol…all the US madness is mind boggling…I misit even though I cannot stand football…I just love the spirit!…not a comment particularly on topic…hehe
Well Carl I am right there with the South Africans…I don’t get all the fuss, either. Now, give me a gathering of friends, a nice meal, glass of wine and story telling for awhile and I’m in my element. Thanks for sharing…no worries, nothing is off topic here 🙂
Great tips! Getting off the couch is especially important, eh!
Absolutely getting up, getting moving and eating right will pay off in so many ways, Forrest!
Great tips for any party or celebration that you don’t want to sacrifice your health! Amazing how creative you can be when you put your mind to it! Thanks!
Thanks Denny…you’ve witnessed first hand changing your diet can and does make a big difference in your health and energy level too.
I have just ‘downsized’ my meals recently. It was quite an adjustment but I am getting use to it and rather like it now 🙂
Yay! Good for you Anita. You will notice your energy level up longer and your metabolism will stay actively working longer.
Nice article. I’m not really into competitive sports, so getting upset about who is winning or not is never an issue. Love your tips on healthy eating, they are right on. Since weight is not an issue with me, I do occasionally enjoy a helping of french fries or batter fried fish. Not the norm for sure in my diet though. Most of the time fish is baked and vegetables are steamed. Rarely is there any red meat and certainly not fried red meat. Anyway, its a very good article about great ways to enjoy the game.
Thank you. I’m not into sports either but I live with a man who is…we didn’t have a SuperBowl party but he did enjoy the game. Good for you for living a very healthy lifestyle including eating sensibly and for your health.
Wonderful tips Carla, I need to avoid diet sodas, it is a little hard, but with determination we can do everything, right?
Good job Meire for recognizing the small changes you need to make to get your energy up to it’s optimal level. Eliminating diet soda will not only increase your energy level, you will also drop up to 10 pounds! Great benefit, right?
Wings and pop and wholesome fun! What I love the most is the get together 🙂 I am afraid healthy eating went out the window for at least one day!
How refreshing, Pamela…you admitted you enjoyed your day and didn’t stress about it. Healthy living is a learned behavior…one step at a time you can change those habits and enjoy each day with long-lasting energy.
I skipped the super-bowl parties all together. Sent the men to socialize. I cannot even imagine what they ate, over there. They would have bowls of carrots and hummus at home. 🙂
Wise woman you are Simona. I skipped it too. Besides eating garbage, drinking beer and raising commotion…who wants to look at over muscled, steroid injected men in tights throwing pigskin? lol